Research & Development
Innovating your brand to new levels.
Consistent with our mission statement i.e. constant change, reinvention and growth, our research division offers an Analytics Environment on Demand, Discovery and Design, and Research Data Management Services.
Through our collaboration initiative with local universities, we can provide a high quality Proof of Concept to our potential customers or investors to give them something tangible, something they can touch, and can add an extra layer of confidence in our ability to deliver and be a successful business partner.
1. Creating New Value by Open Innovation and Collaboration Initiatives
We believe in developing cutting-edge technologies that contribute to the advancement of society, science and industry, engaging in a wide range of diverse research activities, from basic research to R&D that supports the business development initiatives of operating companies. R&D is the source of growth potential. On that basis, at Examedia we create competitive technologies and engages in open innovation /collaboration initiatives with a wide range of corporations, universities, and research institutions. In this way, we strive to create new value.
2. Research and Development of Technologies that Support the Infrastructure for an Information Network Society
We are aiming to provide networks that will be selected by our customers due to the value they offer to service providers and other customers in order to enhance the value of industries and contribute to the development of a wide range services. To achieve this, we are working on network architecture, network technology, operations technology, communication traffic & service quality, access network technology, infrastructure technology and environmental platform technology.